How do I reset my Obie account?
You can change your goal and personal information in the Obie account settings, but right now you’re not able to completely reset your account. This is something we’re working on for our future app update.
How do I change my password?
By using your Apple ID to sign in, Obie does not view or capture your password.
How do I update my email address?
Go to the account profile icon, select “Settings,” then “Account,” and “Enter new email address.”
How do I delete my Obie account?
To manually delete your Obie account, go to your profile by tapping the profile icon in the upper right corner of your screen, then to settings by tapping the wheel in the upper right corner of your screen, and then select Account. There, you can select “Delete my account.”


What personal data of mine does Obie have access to?
If you signed in with your Apple ID and did not opt to share your email address, then your contact info is anonymous and Obie Health cannot connect your data to a user ID, email address, or any other identifying information.

From Apple:

“Sign in with Apple protects your privacy by allowing you to sign in to an app (or app clip) without having to provide the developer with information that personally identifies you. Instead, when you use Sign in with Apple, Apple provides the app developer with a unique identifier, allowing you to keep your information private. None of the collected information identifies you personally.” Read more here.

If you opted to share your email address when you set up your Obie account, the data and activity you log is connected to your email address. Deleting your Obie account will remove all your data and your email address.
What does Obie do with my data?
We protect your data and do not sell or share your personal information to third parties or use it to target ads to you. Obie uses your personal data to provide you with more accurate insights, predictions, and recommendations. For more details, read our Privacy Policy.
Does Obie share my data?
Obie protects your data and does not sell or share your personal information to third parties, or use it to target ads to you.


How do I change my goal?
Go to the account profile icon in the top right of your app home screen and select “Change goal.”
How do I change my personal info?
If you’ve linked your Apple HealthKit, Obie will automatically update your info. If you entered your info manually, go to the account profile icon and select “Personal information” to make changes.
How do I turn notifications on or off?
To manage your notifications, select the Settings icon in your account profile and choose “Notifications” to make selections.
How can I change my location?
If you’ve enabled location access, Obie will automatically update your location. If not, you will be able to manually update your location in our future app update.
How do I save articles and access my saved articles?
Tap the bookmark icon at the top of the page to save an article. To access your saved articles, tap the search icon on your home screen, then tap the bookmark in the top right.
How do I change my answer to a “Quick question” on the Obie home screen?
Obie will continue to ask for your input and updates, knowing that your circumstances change. You can go to your profile and change your medical history, gynecological conditions, and pregnancy details. You can also complete the fertility assessment and input new details that may have changed.
How do I find a topic or article I’m interested in?
Obie recommends content to you based on the information you provide, but you can also discover new articles by searching for a specific topic. Go to the content section and input a topic in the search bar. If there are no results to your search, Obie takes this into account as we expand our content library based on user needs.
How do I add my partner’s contact to my profile?
You can add your partner by granting Obie access to your contact list and selecting your partner’s details. You will soon be able to input your partner’s phone number or email address manually.
How do I change my due date?
From your Obie home screen, tap “Update” in the top right hand corner of your pregnancy card. You can also select your “Due date” in your profile if your goal is “Manage my pregnancy”.
If I experienced a miscarriage, how can I change my pregnancy status?
We’re sorry you experienced a loss. You can “Change pregnancy status” in your profile. We recognize you may need some time and not want to hear from us, so if that’s the case, you can turn off Obie notifications in your profile settings. When you’re ready, you can select a new goal and turn notifications back on.
How do I log my cycle details?
You can update your “Cycle details” in your profile. You can also click “Add info” on the top right of “Your cycle” card.
How do I change my period length?
This feature will be available soon! For now, Obie uses an average period length of five days. This won’t impact the accuracy of your ovulation or fertility predictions. You can track your period and log details in “My Obie log”.


Is Obie scientifically accurate?
Obie is backed by doctors and medical experts with decades of experience. Unlike many other fertility apps, Obie uses only proven scientific medical data and expert industry knowledge. Learn more
Does Obie help me prevent getting pregnant?
No. Obie should not be used to prevent pregnancy. It’s designed to help you optimize your reproductive health and improve your chances of getting pregnant.


How does Obie create predictions for me?
Obie uses your period start day and average cycle length over time to calculate your expected ovulation day and fertile window. Calculations are based on your personal cycle details and medically accurate research findings.
How does Obie recommend articles to me?
Obie provides content that’s relevant to you based on the information you provide and the goal you set. The more details you share about your reproductive health, the more accurate Obie’s recommendations will be.
Why does Obie ask for my partner’s details?
By linking your partner’s info, you will be able to understand how their medical history and actions affect your reproductive health. You can also share relevant content with your partner with one tap as you go through this journey together.
How does Obie personalize insights for me?
Obie takes the information you provide to create insights and recommendations for you based on your current goal and where you are in your cycle. As you continue to use Obie, these insights become more detailed and accurate.
How is my fertility level calculated?
Obie calculates your fertility level based on the information you provide. The first day of your menstrual period and your ovulation day are used to determine your most fertile days and the chance you have of getting pregnant.
Why is Obie recommending articles that aren’t relevant to me?
The more information you provide to Obie, the more relevant your recommendations will be. New medically accurate content is being created every week, and our recommendation engine is continuously improving and becoming more personalized for each individual user.
Why am I asked to input my last period when my goal is “Manage pregnancy”?
This information is used to determine your due date.
Why am I being asked questions that I’ve already answered?
Obie will ask the same or similar questions over time to learn about changes in your life and reproductive health. Some questions on your home screen are the same as in your fertility assessment, which is designed to be a real-time report.


When will Obie be available for Android?
This is one of the biggest priorities we’re working on now. Sign up here to be the first to know about the release of Obie for Android.
How do I view my recently read or shared articles?
This feature will be available soon! In the meantime, you can search for any topic or article headline in the content section of the app.
I logged “Bleeding”, but it’s not showing up on my home screen. Why?
This is a priority feature we’re currently working on, but Obie currently keeps track of the details you log and uses them to guide you.
My fertility journey is unique. Why don’t I see my reproductive health goal or have the ability to select my situation?
Obie’s goal is to provide personalized fertility guidance to every user’s unique situation. Additionally details and options will become available in the app as we develop new features and learn more about every type of Obie user.
My question isn’t listed here. How do I contact Obie or provide feedback?
You can get in touch with Obie anytime at hello@obiehealth.com.